God, in His Goodnes, sent the grape, To cheer both great and small; Little fools will drink too much, And great fools none at all. The Greek god of wine Bacchus – portrayed by the Danish artist Per Christensens – wellcome all visitors to the fascinating world of wine. |
The combination of travelling and wine-tasting is to be recommended. As a wine writer for the Danish wine journal Vinbladet I have tasted wine all over the world from the green hills of Yarra Valley, Australia, to the prestigious wine routes of Napa Valley. You may count on a warm reception and some interesting wines to taste. Here we are in Spain, visiting Covides, Coop. Vinicola del Penedes, and toasting the charming export manager of Covides, Mercé Pujals Olmos. |
"The soft extractive note of an aged cork being withdrawn has the true sound of a man opening his heart." For some years it has been a hobby of mine to collect wine quotes like this one by William S. Benwell. I am always hunting for more "Grand Cru wine quotes" and contributions to my collection may be sent to Erik@skovenborg.dk, where the quotes will be studied with interest and gratitude.
The search for useful links connecting my computer to the world of wine lacks the flavour of history, however, good links may be of use when you are in a hurry or you are looking for some brand-new information.
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